Peminat Misteri

Saturday, 21 December 2019

I am back ?


Just realize my last entry was 16 February 2016, almost 4 years ago. So recently I read someone's post relating to building your social medias where your future self will thank you for. Hence, I decided to continue blogging and share what happens in my life, again.

In 4 years, so many things had happen where I don't think I will able to share everything here but I will try my best to write things up.

I am now in my final year Mechanical Engineering at University of Leeds, United Kingdom. Never have I ever dream of pursuing my study oversea but things happen and I am so grateful for this opportunity. I am sponsored by JPA (Read: Government scholarship) in which they paid all the fees and gave monthly allowance too. I don't have to pay back but in return I need to serve the government for 6 years.  Speaking of working, back then all JPA scholars will be straight away provided with job once they graduated and go back to Malaysia. Recently even thought we (JPA scholars) are bonded with government, but we will not be provided with job once we graduated. But in fact, we need to go through all the process; apply the job, interview and etc with limited choice of company ( Only government companies or half-government, linked with Talent Corps).

In shaa Allah I will graduate in 6 months time and go back to Malaysia for good next year. :)

I will keeps on updating my blog and share what had happen in my life for the past 4 years.

Till my next entry!

Friday, 19 February 2016

A comeback post


I thought dat this blog already gone since i didn't visit it for almost 2 years. Its a come back post people.

When I read back some of my own entries, I can't believe that I'm the one that wrote it. Ekekeke. Yeah I know dat maybe there's no reader for this new entry but I don't know why dat suddenly I feel like wanna be an active blogger, again ( perhaps) .

So many changes have happened in my life in this 2 years and hopefully I can share it with you guys shortly.

I'll start my story in a new entry. Like I said before, this is just a comeback post 💁. Till then see ya later, reader.

P/s: I'm sorry for da broken English. I'm not too good in English, but I'm working on it. ✌✌

Thursday, 27 March 2014

The Best Day Ever

Assalamualaikum . Peace Y0 |

Alhamdulillah . God know the best for me . His plans is the best one . Even its not straight A+ , but straight A is already enough for me to make my parents proud of me .

Semoga kejayaan ini akan menambahkan lagi semangat aku untuk terus menempa nama di bumi ini . In shaa Allah dengan izin-NYA .

Sekadar ingin berkongsi cerita bahagia . >.<

Assalamualaikum . * Takde mood nak menaip . So , post bergambar je . ENjoyy !

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Nilai Sekeping Syiling

Assalamualaikum . Hai . Peace yo =)

Lama tak menconteng kat laman blog ni . Selalu ada je cerita . Tapi bila takde mood nak menaip , mula lah cerita itu lesap dengan sendiri . And at the same time , blog ini akan berhabuk dengan sendiri nya . haha . Sabar je lah . Aku bukan pakar bahasa . Bukan Geng sastera . Lain lah kalau Hebat sastera , Hari-2 aku tulis puisi , ayat yang berbunga bagai dalam ni . Confirm sehari 2 atau 3 post . haha . Aci tak ? >.<

Weh . Amende tu ? Siapa tak kenal ? Angkat tangan macam saya *.* .
Haha . Kalau tak kenal tu , suruh parents hantar tadika balik . Belajar ABC lagi sekali . :P
Okey Back to the title of the post | Nilai sekeping syiling |

Tadi aku keluar dengan kawan-2 . Kononnya pergi pasar malam la kan . Lepas tu dah habis beli makanan apa semua , kitorang pun duduk makan dekat satu kedai kat Tesco . Makan punya makan , datang lah seorang mamak ni . Dia tak cakap apa-2 pun . Just datang intai je . Kitorang rasa  tak selesa pulak . Dah lah tumpang makan kedai orang , tapi tak order apa-2 pun . So , without hesitation , kitorang pggil mamak tu , dan order tea o ais 3 gelas .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dah habis menjamu selera , kitorang pun nak bayar lah air yang diorder tadi . Kesuma pergi bayar sendiri . Aku intai duit dalam beg duit ( 50 sekeping , 5 ringgit sekeping , 20 sen 2 keping , 10 sen sekeping )

'' Weh , air ni berapa ringgit hah ? ''
'' selalu standard seringgit je . ''
'' Aku rasa 1.20 lah , 20 sen lagi tu upah dia ''
'' Nah , ambik ni ( 5 ringgit sekeping , 20 sen 2 keping , 10 sen sekeping ) . Kau tolong bayar untuk aku jugak . Tapi Make sure tak guna duit yang seringgit lagi kalau lebih dari seringgit air dia . Ko guna je syiling tu ''


'' Berapa air dia , ?''
'' Seringgit doploh sen ''
'' Bak balik baki aku ''
'' Nah , ( Empat ringgit je ) ''
'' Eh , balance syiling aku mane weh ? ''
'' La , berkiranya , kira halal je lah weh ''
'' EH , tak boleh aku takde duit, pokai sekarang . Hahaha ''
'' Nah , ambik ni ( 50 sen sekeping ) ''
'' Baki kau ( 20 sen sekeping ) ''
'' Tak cukup weh , mana sepuluh sen aku lagi . ko patut bagi aku 30 sen kot .''
'' Weh , dah cukup la . AKu bagi tadi 5 hinggit 50 sen . Air 1.20 . Ko patut bagi aku balik 4 hinggit 30 sen . Cukup da lah weh . :P ''
'' Eh eh . My fault . Haha . ''

'' Ieyla , jom teman aku pergi solat kejap ''
''jom ''
'' EH , ko ade duit doploh sen sekeping tak ? Aku nak timbang berat . ''
'' Ade , Nah . nanti ko bayar balik eh ''
'' Taknakkk ! ''
'' Ah , tak kira . Hahahaha ''

See , betapa penting nya duit tu walaupun hanya sepuuh sen . Cuba korang fikir balik . Berapa besarkah nilai sepuluh sen di mata korang ? Mungkin selama ini , duit itu hanya berada di longkang rumah korang ? Cuba imbas kembali kenangan bersama duit syiling sepuluh sen . ! :P

Selamat berbelanja ! Assalamualaikum :)